Commercial dog food – is it really healthy for your dog? do you really know what lethal secret ingredients are in this dog food?

dog food secrets video

Many world-famous Veterinarians and dog care experts agree, “Any dog that eats commercially prepared food is at much higher risk of dying prematurely and by the time symptoms are noticeable, it’s often too late to prevent an agonizing death except by lethal injection.” If you don’t change the commercially prepared dog food, you may lose your dog in a painful manner and too early.

A well-reviewed book about dog food secrets, will show you how to increase the lifespan of your dog by 134% and save up to 8,000 USD in the whole life of your dog. It’s not a scare tactic, but you ever know about the dog died of cancer or any other disease? That’s normal but natural. So, scientists have proved that with reference to “theories of aging,” that your dog has a life span of almost 25-27 years!

But you know the actual age now it’s from 8 to 10 years only. Why? Because dog owners are poised them with commercial food available in the market. These companies fed you lies daily and cause of death of many speechless souls. You cant share the pain of person if you lose your dog to that or lose your dog too early unless you experience the same, so we are sharing these food secrets now. Some big brands are known to be well known, but that does not mean they are healthy. Ann N Marti says, “Most pet foods are garbage.”

Problems with commercially prepared food:

  • Fact: long term commercial food will become biochemical cripples with no resistance to disease.
  • Commercial food lack in almost 30 nutrients.
  • They add preservatives to enhance shelf life which destroys the essential nutrients, e.g., ethoxyquin
  • They only consider their profits.
  • Commercial food contains six chemicals which are banned in humans because they cause a different type of cancer, congenital disabilities, allergies, immune system failure, behavior problems, and aggressiveness, etc
  • Most of the products are processed, and most ingredients added after rendering. They lose most of the nutritional value, so for them, labeling a preservative-free diet is not an option there.

Now you know the facts, so if you don’t take action, you also held responsible for your pet’s health.

Here is the 3 step solution:
Step 1: Stop using commercial food as the primary source of food
Step 2: Learn how to read commercial food labels in an emergency or crucial time
Step 3: get some healthy, well-balanced dog food recipes an start making homemade dog feed.

These recipes are straightforward to make, easy to cook in bulk quantity, and store for a long time in your home refrigerator.
But be sure to be specific in dog requirements as they are sensitive like humans.

Here’s what you find in dog food secrets book:

  • A secret to improves your dog’s healthy life up to 8 years
  • All main meal dishes are flour, sugar, salt, butter, and cream free.
  • Different feeding recommendations for a toy, small, medium, large or extra-large breeds
  • Calorie count of every recipe.
  • Sodium count of every recipe.
  • Guide for every step and a lot more.
dog food book